Monday, February 15, 2016

How to Clean Makeup Brushes and Beauty Blenders

Hi There

There are millions of bacteria in all the surfaces you touch. In this germaphobic world, it is very common to carry hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes in your purse or keep them in your car or desk at work. Our face is prone to many different types of bacteria. Think about all the times you have touched your face. Now think about everything you touch throughout the day. Cell Phones, door knobs etc.  Bacteria can cause breakouts and an oily complexion. Would you take a shower with a dirty wash cloth? NO. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen someone's makeup brushes/tools thrown into a makeup bag completely filthy and dingy. The horror in my face shows it all!!

First thing I do is separate my dirty brushes/sponges from the clean ones. I use an old candle holder (wax removed) and after 1 or 2 uses I put the brush/sponge into the container. I have multiple brushes so i tend to wash them every 2 weeks.  Below is a step by step process. Hope it's helpful.

Happy Cleaning!!!

1. Lay a dry clean towel onto a flat surface (I use my dining table).

2. Gather all the brushes and tools and keep them in a container next to your sink.

3. Mix olive oil and dish detergent into a small bowl. I use a bar of detergent soap. Many people use shampoo.

4. Take the brush, dip it into the mixture and in a circular motion rub the brush onto the palm of your hand. Put under running water until clean.

5. Place on top of towel until dry. Repeat every 2 weeks.

How to clean your beauty blender / Cómo limpiar tu beauty blender #beautyblender:

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